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Monday, June 22, 2009

spine - note to self on discovery and tdma

RadioControllerP.nc optimization:

uint32_t LISTEN_TIMER = 40;

#define TDMA_FRAME_PERIOD 1024

spineapp Makefile: PFLAGS += -DTOSH_DATA_LENGTH=114 #set max datalength. 48 samples.
Basestation makefile: PFLAGS += -DTOSH_DATA_LENGTH=114

Inject ID into image: tos-set-symbols --target ihex main.ihex main_ID.ihex TOS_NODE_ID=ID ActiveMessageAddressC\$addr=ID

on 15.4:

The full standard 15.4 MAC/PHY protocol includes csma/ca and would work finebut spine does not sit on top of any 15.4 SW implementation and the 15.4 HW is not enough to guarantee the radio access.
