$ pkgbuild -s (not as sudo - for automatic dependency handling)
$ pacman -U upslug2-41-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
- Get NSLU2 in upgrade mode (Turn NSLU2 on while reset button is held in for 10 secs. Orange will turn to red => RELEASE! Toggles between red and green now and is in upgrade mode, ready to receive new firmware)
- Connect NSLU2 directly to ethernet port with RJ45 cable.
$ sudo ifconfig ethx netmask up
$ sudo upslug2 --device ethx
NSLU2 00:1a:70:99:60:c7 Product ID: 1 Protocol ID: 0 Firmware Version: R23V63 [0x2363]
$ sudo upslug2 --image /home/zrrbite/stuff/NSLU2_V23R63.bin (linksys default firmware)
Upgrading LKG9960C7 00:1a:70:99:60:c7
. original flash contents * packet timed out
! being erased - erased
u being upgraded U upgraded
v being verified V verified
* timeout occurred + sequence error detected
Rebooting... done
- Set the network protocol with the web interface before doing anything else, since this is what the NSLU2 will use when using the installer from various distros.
If you accidentally set the network settings to DHCP, use arp -a (works on both linux and windows) or a program like angry ip scanner, to locate the slug on the network segment.
Debian: http://www.cyrius.com/debian/nslu2/install.html
NSLU2 linux wiki: http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Main/HomePage
Add to sources.list to get unrar package:
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ sarge main non-free contrib
apt-get install unrar
edit /etc/hellanzb.conf PREFIX / usenet server and start daemon with "hellanzb"
dump nzb files in QUEUE dir with PSFTP (cd /home/mk/hellanzb/nzb/daemon.queue/ )
MT-DAAPD (Firefly Media Server)
$apt-get install mt-daapd
$mkdir /home/media/music (dump music here)
$vim /etc/mt-daapd.conf
enable logging, change servername if you want, change port if needed, etc.
change runas user to someone with proper privilges (Root? :D)
$chmod o+r -R /home/media/music
$ /etc/init.d/mt-daapd restart
Repeat bold steps everytime music is added. Start iTunes. The server should show up in the left hand side under "Shared". a restart of the daemon will make the entry disappear and reappear on the fly.
Updating the songlist from cmd line may cause problems. Full system scan @ Web admin - http://192.168.1.xxx:3689/ will fix. Reload in iTunes.
Streaming 1 mp3 : 1,6% CPU, ~13% Memory.
TWONKY on Debian Lenny
Twonky supply these embedded (NAS) versions, as is, unsupported.
Twonky arm little endian release is built against old glibc not supported by Lenny. Suggested to use the uclibc version. And download old uclibc tool chain.
http://www.twonkyforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6086 -
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