{Notes to self, programming, technology, linux, windows, git} U {Papers, reviews, games, coffee, tabletennis, ramblings} = {things worth saving}

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


No regrets. Everything happens for a reason. Not that i believe in fate or anything, but that other choice you wish you'd taken, forget about it. Right after making it, you'd have died. Instead, you're alive and well.

Seriously tho. So many paramters exist around us that have a direct impact on our lives, it's mindboggling. By picking up that pencil for that hot co-worker, which you only did because your headache is over, which is only over because margaret remembered to buy aspirins, which she only did because bob died and didn't raid the petty cash box for donut money, ... yea, you get the jist of it.

No regrets. Live in the moment, and poetic crap like that.

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